The only fully-transparent, fully-democratized, crowd-funded, crowd-intelligence think tank running on a blockchain.

Providing unbiased and immutable information and forecasts to the American people.

US-China Relations


That is the chance of a nuclear apocalypse due to a war between the US and China over Taiwan in the year 2027. In that horrific scenario, 10 million Americans and 30 million Chinese civilians would likely die.

Therefore, the primary goal of SAPIUS in the 2024~2025 timeframe is to reduce the chance of such a war.

We will do so by being an unbiased source in providing solid facts and reliable forecasts to the general public, lawmakers, and media outlets.

The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. No matter how tough.


Reducing Partisan Bickering

The best way for America to compete with China or any other country is by getting things done here at home. SAPIUS is working to reduce partisan bickering by calling out toxic rhetorics from politicians and biased reporting by the media on both sides. We also support efforts by lawmakers from both sides of the aisle to work together and solve the many real problems that America faces today.


Asian American Civil Rights

The United States of America is a country of immigrants. This country is great precisely because of its willingness to embrace people who share our values and want to contribute, regardless of their national origins. Asian Americans have been law-abiding citizens who helped build this nation with their sweat and blood. Combating discrimination and hate crimes against Asian Americans is a goal of SAPIUS.

About us

SAPIUS is a fully-transparent, fully-democratized, crowd-funded, crowd-intelligence think tank. We are a membership-based organization, whose important records are stored on a blockchain for transparency and safekeeping.

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